It's been a while. Work has been driving me crazy so Sundays have been football days. Essentialy Sundays are now spent sitting in front of the TV while I track my fantasy football team. (Battling for first place right now in case you wanted to know) I am curious to know who actually reads my rants it would be great to have some of you drop a line or a comment so I can know who you are.
I have spent the last few days wondering about a lot of different questions, none of which seem to have any answers but here goes anyways. Perhaps you may be able to share your views. In the near future I hope to expound on at least some of these questions at length. For now here are the questions.
Why are religon and science presented as mutually exclusive philosophies?
Is it better to read a lot about the world or listen to it and its people?
Should I be concerned about trying to do too much or not doing enough?
Is it better to be unique or the same as everyone?
Am I a South Asian American or an American of South Asian decent?
Enough Questions so here are some discoveries of the last few weeks..
Midival Punditz - Crazy drum and bass indian stuff definitely worth a listen, Bhangra Fever is a great track although not indicative of what the rest of their music sounds like
Falling Leaves - a book that explores a personal world with a great touch.
A Praire Home Companion- A show that is broadcast on the weekends on NPR. The hosts voice just makes you want to stop and listen. Listen some time you might like it.
Nothing else to report for now... Have a good weekend everyone.