So Niyati tagged me. I am supposed to describe my perfect life partner and then tag eight other people. Let me say first that this almost sounds like one of those creepy forwards, having said that I will attempt to describe my perfect partner. As far as tagging other people goes, anyone I would have tagged has already been tagged, so the chain at least on my end stops with me.
So lets see perfect partner, let me get this out of the way right at the on set thats an oxymoron. I know I know lighten up. Well for me a perfect partner is someone that listens to you, understands you, loves you for who you are, and makes you laugh. The perfect partner would also makes me listen to them( I tend to talk a lot), force me to see their perspective( I am a tad stubborn) hate me when I am not living up to my potential, and also laugh at my jokes( I am not great at telling jokes)